Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Diploma Presenter

One month ago today, May 21st, was graduation day.  I cannot believe how quickly the last month has gone by and yet I haven't talked about my absolute favorite part of graduation.

I believe that one of the best traditions at Kilbourne takes place each year as a part of the commencement ceremony when students have the option of selecting someone from their educational career (teacher, coach, counselor, etc.) to present them with their diploma. I was touched and humbled that 4 of "my" students selected me to be able to share in their graduation ceremony by giving them their diplomas.  Throughout my years at WKHS I have had a chance to hand out over 60 diplomas and I can honestly say that each and every single one is special and meaningful to me.  There simply are no words to explain what a huge honor it is to be able to give a hug and offer my congratulations as I presented each of these students with their diploma.  It is a memory I will cherish.  Pictured above (L to R) are the 4 students I was able to present with their diploma: Kaity Bryan, Maddie Case, Justin English and Adam Cruz.

To Kaity, Maddie, Justin and Adam- It is hard to believe that you are no longer "my" students. I have enjoyed being able to get to know you, to listen to your stories, celebrate your successes, and hopefully help when you have had to deal with disappointments. Thank you for making me smile and for letting me share in your lives. I cannot wait to see the difference you will make in the world. I wish you nothing but the best in the future and I hope you know how much I will miss you! Thanks again for allowing me to have the honor of presenting you with your diplomas - I will never forget it!

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