Sunday, April 2, 2017

Using Visits as Part of College Search

We are just a week away from spring break and that is a key time when I know that lots of families will be visiting colleges and exploring campuses.  One great advantage of our late spring break is that very few (if any) colleges will be on break at the same time as us so you will be able to see the campus full of students and with activities, events and normal life going on during your visit.  Please be sure to contact the colleges as soon as possible and set up your visit.  Some schools will be able to squeeze you in without a problem and others may have busier schedules that require advanced planning.

For some students and parents trying to decide where to go look at colleges can feel overwhelming.  The reality is that you don’t fully know what you will like or dislike in a college yet because you have never been to college, but that is where the fun starts.  You can explore all different types of campuses to try to figure out what you like or, often easier and even more telling, what you DON’T like about a college.  Looking at all different types of schools - large, small, urban, rural, etc. - will help you figure out exactly what you do and do not like. This will also help you refine and narrow your search to find other schools that will best fit your interests.

I also encourage you to consider looking at schools that are outside of your first instinct of where you think you would like in a college.  For most of you, chances are that the schools on your list are the same schools you hear lots of other WKHS students talk about.  And if one of those schools ends up being the college you love, that is wonderful news.  But, you are not all cookie cutter replicas of one another.  You have different interests, likes, dislikes, and anticipated majors of study.  So, while I am not saying that in the future you should attend a college that does not make you happy and where you don’t see yourself fitting in, I do think there is incredible value by exploring as many different types of colleges and a variety of campuses so that you will know what is truly the best fit FOR YOU.  (Not your parents, not your siblings, not your friends, etc.)

If you are going to use part of your spring break for college visits, I also encourage you to try to use the visits as a time to connect and enjoy being together with your parents.  Yes, I know that your parents often drive you crazy.  And yes, you drive them crazy too. But the reality is that high school flies past and you will soon be moving out of your parent’s home and starting college. Making positive memories together and enjoying the time you are spending while looking at schools is important. Try to approach the college search and your college visits with a positive attitude and cut your parents a break if they are driving you crazy about it all… you will need their feedback, insight and help later in the college process so their views will be important too.  Remember, they are trying to help, they are stressed about this too and, most importantly, they want what is best for you.

The college search and selection process can be stressful, but it should also be fun.  Please try to take a deep breath, relax, enjoy exploring the schools you will be visiting and have fun imagining yourself as a college student.  Also, don’t forget that I want a picture of you somewhere on campus for the “Oh the place’s you’ll go board!”

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