Sunday, March 19, 2017


I have several important reminders for you today...

As you know, this past week started the 4th quarter.  All of your teachers have now updated and posted your 3rd quarter grades on Infinite Campus.  Students and parents both should log into Infinite Campus and look at your 3rd quarter grades and print a copy of your report card if you want to have one.

-  Freshmen and Sophomores - don't forget beginning at 7:45am on Monday and Tuesday you will be taking your English End of Course Assessments.  It is essential that you arrive at school on time and ready to focus on your tests.  As you already know, the scores you earn on these tests will determine the number of points you will earn toward graduation.  (You must earn at least 4 total points from the English tests so these are important tests to show up for and put forth your best effort.)

-  Juniors - tomorrow and Tuesday morning will be your chance to take the ACT free of charge.  Yes, you must be there on time (no late arrivals these next 2 days!) and yes, you do need to take it again even if you have already taken the ACT and done well on it.  

A few things I need to be absolutely sure you are aware of before testing... This is a formal, official administration of the ACT.  Even though WKHS teachers are administering the test, you are held to the very strict standards that ACT sets forth.  If you do anything that goes against ACT protocols you will be dismissed from the test.  This includes having a cell phone on, going back and filling in the bubbles of previous sections, or working ahead.  Please, be focused and give this test your best effort.  Don't forget, these scores can count for your college applications.  This means that tomorrow when you are filling out your information, one of the questions you will be asked is which 4 colleges you want to have your scores sent to automatically.  Please be thinking about this ahead of time so that you can select 4 colleges.  You definitely want to take advantage of this option as this is the only way to send your scores for free.  Also, for those of you who plan on taking CC+ classes through CSCC next year, please consider using one of your 4 free score reports to send your results to CSCC so that they will know you have met the benchmarks to take their class and you won't have to go to their campus and take their placement tests.  (For any juniors who have already taken CSCC CC+ classes, you will not need to use one of your free results on sending scores to CSCC.)

-  For Seniors ONLY the next 2 days are late starts.  Your start times each day are different for Monday and Tuesday because of the difference in the times required for testing of the 9-11th graders. Aren't you relieved that all of your tests are completed already?!?

-  The bell schedule that you will be on once the actual school day begins (following the testing time) will be VERY different than normal.  I blogged about the actual bell schedules a little over a week ago, but as a reminder you will begin with 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th periods so that everyone gets their lunch periods as close to normal times as possible and then you will proceed to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 8th periods.

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