Wednesday, March 29, 2017

College Credit Plus Reminder

All students looking to earn free college credit in classes next year MUST turn in the College Credit Plus intent to participate form by Friday, March 31st!  This is a firm deadline established by the State of Ohio and we cannot extend it so please make sure you get your form turned in to us!  

Just as a reminder, this includes college classes on the college campus, online college classes, college classes taught by CSCC instructors at WKHS (English, Psychology, Government, Sociology, African American History, Physical Geology, Ethics, Classical Mythology, or Art History), and the COTC classes taught by the WKHS teachers which can get you college credit for the exact same class you may have already signed up to take (Pre-Calculus, Honors Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Intro to Programming Logic and Intro to Business).  If you have any questions about College Credit Plus - stop and see me or watch the video on the counselor website.  (  The intent to participate forms and video sign-off forms are also available on the counselor website.

Also, for those of you who are planning to participate in CC+ next year, once you have submitted your Intent to Participate form, will still have some additional steps to complete.  You need to apply to the college that is offering your anticipated course and you need to follow any of their other requirements that they maintain including their placement tests.

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