Wednesday, February 8, 2017

College InSight and Reminders

There are lots of websites full of useful information about colleges. College InSight is a website from the Institute for College Access and Success. There is a wealth of higher education data information on this website. One of the areas that I found particularly interesting was related to financial aid and student debt. For example, the website identified that seniors who graduated from Ohio 4 year colleges in 2013-2014 had $28,146 worth of debt if graduating from a public college and $32,679 of debt if graduating from a private college. Check out their website and explore the information for the colleges you are considering.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow night (Thursday, February 9th) is the College Credit Plus information night at 7pm in the WKHS Auditorium.  If you are considering taking college classes next year, please be sure to attend!

And, next Tuesday is the deadline to drop a class without it appearing on your transcript or to change a class from traditional grading to pass/ fail grading.  If you are thinking of either of these options, please be sure to get the forms from the counseling center, have them signed by your parent and bring them back to me before next Tuesday!

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