Friday, January 20, 2017

More Career Exploration

At the beginning of last week I talked about a few tests you could take to explore careers and I have a few more career related resources to share with you today.  

There is an app called PathSource that could interest you in exploring possible careers and how they might impact your future.  One of the cool aspects that I like about it the app is that there are over 2800 informational videos from career professionals who share insights about their jobs and what they like or don’t like about their jobs.  It also includes career assessments, job opportunities, salary and budgeting and more.

Another great free career and major search is on the website  If you want to try to reflect on your academic history, what you like and dislike, this is a great resource to use.  I would suggest that you use this worksheet first and then take the quiz and see how the results play out.  I would love to have you come and share your career insights when you have used them - no matter what site you are using to explore.

Have fun exploring careers!

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