Sunday, January 22, 2017

Articles of Interest

I have been compiling articles... LOTS of articles!  I keep finding them on twitter or the blogs I follow or the college resources I receive and each time I read one that I think could be helpful for you I stick it in a folder in my email box.  Today I opened that folder and realized I had articles from last summer.  Oops!  That doesn't always help because if they are in my email and not out here on my blog then they don't do you a bit of good.  So, I decided that I would get organized and save some articles to go along with future posts that I will write soon, but that I would get a bunch of articles out here for you.  (And, don't worry, I decided some weren't timely any more and so I ditched those articles or else you'd need more than a little time to read them all.)  Sit back, relax and enjoy reading...

Ok, so the first article isn't one I have been saving... it is the Columbus Dispatch Going to School article featuring our own, Abby Souder

College Related:

Financial Related:

Personal/ Social:

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