Friday, September 2, 2016

Please try to relax

I guess I should have expected it... in fact, I think I may have even predicted it during the presentation... the panic which so many seniors seemed to have over the last few days as they stopped by my office.  Tuesday night's senior college information was well attended (thank you!) and I was happy to see so many of my students and parents in the audience.  The reality is that for many students, hearing the information during the presentation and having that "ah-ha" moment that you are really a senior and it is really time to apply to college now, is startling.  

If you are having anxiety over the fact that it's time to apply to college, please try to relax.  Take a deep breath and start taking it one step at a time.  I will help you through and as long as you don't give up we will be able to make sure that you finish your applications.  And, if you are one of those students who should be feeling nervous about the fact that you haven't even started thinking about college... well, let's be honest, procrastination has clearly been a challenge for you so maybe this feeling will help give you the motivation to get started... just be sure to harness and channel your panic so that it is productive and not just anxiety producing.  And yes, I can help you with that too!

Over the next month or so I will post a lot of information on my blog about the college application process and details about various steps of your applications in an effort to help you.  More importantly, stop by and see me if you have questions, to keep me posted on your progress, and to make sure that you are staying on track with your applications.  I am looking forward to hearing about your plans for life after high school!

And, after all, what better way than to relax than to have a long weekend?  I hope you have a wonderful, safe and relaxing Labor Day holiday weekend!

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