Thursday, August 4, 2016

Start Your Applications

Now that it is August, many of you are probably a lot like me in that your thoughts are starting to focus on the fact that it is almost time for us to return to school. As you consider all of the things you were hoping to accomplish this summer and throwing yourself into any summer assignments that are still remaining, I would like to remind you that you need to begin working on your college applications.  Please don't wait until we get back to school to start!  The time to start working on your applications is now. That doesn't mean you have to have the entire application complete, but begin by filling out the "easier" paperwork section that requires name, address, and other basic information because it can become time-consuming, and (if you still haven't done so) put together your list of activities and experiences you have had during high school so that you can add that information to your applications easily.  This is also a great time to being working on your college application essay drafts. And, while I hope this goes without saying, if you still don't know which schools you will be applying to - it is definitely time to start finalizing your list.  While submitting your applications may still feel a long way off, it will be here before you realize and having applications started and a rough draft or two written before classes begin and your schedule gets even busier will definitely help you in the long run. 

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