Wednesday, July 27, 2016

College Visits

One common summertime activity for many students and parents is making college visits.  While traveling this summer for family vacations, I hope you stopped by the local colleges and explored their campuses.  Even if it isn't a school that you are considering, it is always beneficial to see a variety of different college environments to get a feel for the options available to you in the future.  And, even if you are not traveling over break, there is still plenty of time left that you can explore nearby colleges on a day when you are feeling bored and wondering what you're going to do with your time.  Remember, even if you are not interested in attending college at one of the central Ohio colleges, the experience of visiting campuses will still help shape your view and knowledge for evaluating other colleges.  It probably goes without saying, but please remember that I would like your picture from somewhere on EACH campus that you visit!

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