Friday, July 29, 2016

2 months later

Graduation day for the Class of 2016 was 2 months ago today.  I cannot believe it has been 2 months since you walked across the stage, received your diploma and officially became WKHS alumni.  Some of you have already headed off to college, full time employment or the military and others are preparing for that next step in the coming weeks.  I wanted to take a moment to congratulate all of you one last time and thank you for allowing me to join you on your journey through high school.  I know that there are great things ahead of you and I cannot wait to see the impact you have on our world.  And while you are probably moving on in your mind and not interested in looking back at "old" pictures - below are some pictures of my students on graduation day.

My favorite tradition at WKHS takes place during the graduation ceremony when students are able to receive their diplomas from a staff member (teacher, coach, counselor, etc.) who has been a significant part of their lives between their Kindergarten through 12th grade years.  I can assure you that this is an honor to the staff members that are selected and I believe it makes graduation more memorable because you have someone special to share in your graduation ceremony.

This year I was touched and humbled by the fact that I was selected to present diplomas to 5 of my students (pictured L to R): Bailey Andrews, Macala Dietz, Michael Bell, Amy Du, and Loryn Dave.

Bailey, Macala, Mike, Amy and Loryn~ Thank you so much for allowing me to have the honor of presenting you with your diplomas, but more importantly, thank you for giving me the chance to share in your lives.  It didn't matter if I knew you for 1 year or for 4 years, each of you stands out for your commitment and your ability to overcome obstacles.  I am proud of you for what you have accomplished, but this is only the start.  Each of you have the talent to achieve anything you set your minds to, but more importantly you have the heart and courage that will carry you far.  Always trust in yourselves and know that you were destined to make an impact and you are already doing just that - I know because you have impacted my life in more ways than you can even imagine.  I already miss you, but I am genuinely excited for the wonderful opportunities ahead of you.  Thank you again for allowing me to share in your graduation ceremony.  It means more to me than you know and I will never forget that moment, but more importantly I will never forget YOU!  Good luck in college.  Love, Miss Abbott

And, as promised, here are some pictures of all of "my" graduates.  I am proud of you all and I hope you will keep in touch in the future!

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