Thursday, May 19, 2016

Seniors - Words of Wisdom

Congratulations Seniors!  You made it!  Today was your last day of high school and the upcoming celebrations will pay tribute to the hard work and dedication you have displayed over the last four years.  I was fortunate enough to see many of my seniors today and I think a lot of you shared similar thoughts and feelings.  I heard often that it was hard to believe how fast the last 4 years had gone.  You are ready to move on to the next stages of your lives and there is excitement about finishing high school, but for many of you there was also a bitter-sweet feeling about leaving your friends and the familiarity of high school behind. 

As you spend time over the next few weeks reflecting back on your high school career, please consider passing along some of your words of wisdom.  You have created a positive impression and, as a result, many of the younger students look up to and admire you.  I'm sure you can remember some of the older students who made an impression on your life and this is your opportunity to pass along the gift of your wisdom to those who will continue in high school.  Let the younger students know what you are glad you did, what you wish you would have done differently, and any other suggestions and tips you'd given them to help them to be successful and make the most of their high school years.  As you share your insights, you may never fully realize the difference that you have made, but you can be sure that your legacy will continue to make a positive impact in the years ahead.

Enjoy the fact that you get to relax and sleep in tomorrow while the younger students still have another week of school.  :-)

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