Monday, May 23, 2016

Lexi and Exams

You know we have a therapy dog at WKHS, right?  :-)  I'm pretty sure that 100% of our students and the vast majority of our parents know about Lexi... after today a lot more people will know about her too.

During the day today a reporter and a photographer from the Columbus Dispatch came to WKHS to visit with Lexi and meet some of our students to get an idea of how Lexi can help relieve stress leading up to exams.  The story should run in tomorrow's Dispatch, but the story and video are already up on the Dispatch website and you can check it out here:

Lexi and I both wish you all the best of luck during exams!  You will do great.  Remember, we are around if you need anything over the next 3 days... and, we hope you will stop to see us and say good-bye before summer vacation!

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