Monday, May 2, 2016

Expressing Gratitude - Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is national Teacher Appreciation Week!  WKHS is blessed to have a staff of incredible teachers who are committed to their student's success - not only in the classroom, but also in life.  Kilbourne teachers are passionate about what they do as they try to inspire a love of learning.  Their care for your success extends beyond the boundaries of the classroom walls. 

Additionally, I also hope that you will consider thanking our administrators for their role in leading our school each day.  Let’s be honest, Ms. Adrean, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Nally and Mr. Todd have tough, demanding jobs that require long hours and they don't get thanked enough for everything they do.  

I hope that this week you will take a moment to simply say thanks to the teachers at Kilbourne who have had a positive impact on your life.  You never know - your kind words may stay with them for years to come.  And I encourage you to find time in these last few weeks of the school year to thank the administrators for everything they do to help lead Kilbourne. 

And I will use this as my opportunity to say thank you to all of Kilbourne’s amazing teachers and administrators!

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