Saturday, April 16, 2016

Practically Perfect

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Mary Poppins! I had the chance to attend Thursday night's show and it was incredible! There is no doubt that everyone involved all put in a ton of time, energy and effort to reach their goal and they were certainly successful as it was a wonderful musical. A special congratulations to all of "my students" who were in the show: Emily Dyer, Cassidy Crouch, Katy Beth Crider, Marty Arnold, Joelle Dirksen, and Robbie Fadley. And to those who worked behind the scenes tonight or in the weeks leading up to the show to help make it a successful musical: Rose Brady, Kyarra Carpenter, Erica Eyen, Dylan Buford, Ravin Brown, Ellie Darby, and Danielle Barker. Congratulations also to the members of the pit orchestra: Anna Chen and Katie Coppel.

You still have two more opportunities to see the show and see what these students have put together, I truly believe you will not be disappointed... after all it is "practically perfect."  :-)

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