Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Lexi

Today was Lexi's 1st birthday!  It was an awesome day.  She was spoiled (a lot) by the office staff and got lots of attention from students and staff throughout the building.  It is hard for me to believe she is already a year old... and it's even harder to believe that a year ago there was no part of me that thought I would have a dog right now.  Lexi was meant to be my dog.  She was meant to be a part of the Kilbourne family and I am so thankful that I get the pleasure of having her in my life!

I am often asked by people not at WKHS what Lexi does all day at school - and my answer is pretty simple, she hangs out to love and be loved.  I hope she does show you the amount that she loves you and being at school.  (I can assure you, as we pull into the school parking lot every day, her excitement is unbelievable.)  But today I want to thank all of you for caring about Lexi!  The greetings, the pets, the cuddles, the belly rubs, the tossing of toys, and the countless little ways that you make her feel important are appreciated more than you could possibly know.

There is no doubt she is the most spoiled and luckiest dog around!  Happy Birthday Lexington!

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