Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Articles of Interest - Testing

I don't know if you noticed, but yesterday's post had a LOT of articles at the end.  Today's will have more... and in the days ahead you will find more articles that I think will interest you.  As you may be aware, I read a lot of articles about college.  I follow blogs and twitter feeds on topics that I think can be helpful to my students and families and as I read articles that I think will interest you I save the links in a document to share.  Yesterday I realized that I have over 30 pages of article links saved!  Yikes!  That is too many to share all at once if I actually want you to be able to read any of them.  So hopefully if I space them out over the coming days/ weeks based upon their topics it will allow you to pick any that might be useful and applicable for you to read.  I'd also like to point out that I noticed some of the articles were re-posts (most often on Twitter) - articles that had been written previously, but were highlighted again because the content continued to be applicable.  And so on to this post...

With regards to college applications one of the more stressful aspects is taking the admissions test(s).  Students are often trying to decide if they will take the ACT or the SAT.  With the new revisions to the SAT, the availability of the PSAT and the fact that the SAT now has free prep resources available through Khan Academy, I suspect we will have more and more students taking the SAT in the future.  It doesn't matter which test you take as colleges will consider them equally.  Also, for students who took the ACT in April, your test scores are now available online.

Here are a few testing related articles:

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