Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Tonight the Worthington Kilbourne High School Parent Teacher Organization met for their monthly meeting. We are incredibly fortunate at WKHS to have parents who care enough about our students and staff to volunteer their time, energy, talents and effort to help make our school community a better place.  The PTO sponsors scholarships for students, facilitates student recognition events, coordinates events to boost morale, and promotes communication efforts between parents and the school.  They are unbelievably valuable and make a positive difference!

At tonight's meeting, they invited me to bring Lexi to meet with the parents in attendance.  Lexi loved being able to meet the parents and show off some of her favorite tricks.

If any of the PTO parents are reading this, thank you for allowing us to attend your meeting tonight.  Thank you for all that you do to help make Worthington Kilbourne High School a positive place.  And, I forgot to mention this at the meeting, but thank you also for the flower at Valentine's Day as well!

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