Monday, March 14, 2016

School Details

It's a short week, the last of 3rd quarter, and spring break is about to start.  I suspect you are already aware of those points, but you may not be aware of some other exciting and unique school related details for this week.

- Tomorrow is the 3rd "Counselor Lunch Chat."  Held in Room 120 during each of the lunch periods, take the time to come in and meet with us and talk about relationship issues.  Friends, parents, teachers, classmates, boyfriends/ girlfriends, and anyone else you come into contact with on a daily basis can be both a positive interaction or the encounters can be stress-inducing.  We look forward to spending time talking with you!

-  Tomorrow is also the Staff/ Student basketball game.  We will be on an assembly bell schedule tomorrow with the basketball game taking place at the end of the day.  The students playing in the game are the members of the team who won the intramural championship (in other words, they are good basketball players).  Those who are on the staff team... Well, let's just say it could get ugly, but it should be fun.  If the past years are any indication, the staff's best hope is for some "home court advantage" calls by the refs and some creative scoring by the people running the scoreboard.  :-)

Here is the bell schedule for tomorrow:
1st Period: 7:45 - 8:29
2nd Period: 8:34 - 9:18
3rd Period: 9:23 - 10:07
4th Period: 10:15 - 10:59
5th Period:  11:04 - 11:48
6th Period:  11:53 - 12:37
7th Period: 12:42 - 1:26
8th Period: 1:31 - 2:15
Basketball Game: 2:25 - 3:05

-  As you may have heard on the announcements, the Worthington Kilbourne Activity Club and the administration have partnered together to arrange for a weekly Yoga experience during lunch periods once per week.  This is to help support our students and promote the importance of staying balanced by creating opportunities that support positive mental health.  The actual opportunity to participate in the Yoga sessions will begin on the Tuesday after Spring Break, but all students are invited and encouraged to attend the information session this week on Wednesday, March 16th.  The two Yoga instructors, Anna Gilboy and Ali Hill, along with Corey Linsley, current center for the Green Bay Packers and an OSU alumni will be here to talk about the benefits of participating in the Yoga experience.  If you're interested in learning more I strongly encourage you to stop by the main gym during your lunch period on Wednesday!  You don't want to miss out on this great opportunity!

-  Some juniors and seniors are taking OGT's this week.  Good luck!  I know you will do great.  Try to relax and just do your best... I believe in you!

- And last, but not least, don't forget that Thursday morning is the competition deadline to submit your ideas for the new coffee shop name and logo design!  Your design should be submitted to Ms. Adrean's e-mail ( by Thursday, March 17th at 8am for consideration.

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