Monday, February 8, 2016

Important Reminders

A couple of quick reminders for all of you...

1.  Don't forget, tonight is the Academic Options Night at TWHS.  This presentation, beginning at 7pm, highlights the opportunities available through College Credit Plus and Credit Flexibility.  Please note that this presentation is mandatory for students interested in participating in CC+.  (If you cannot attend you need to see me so that I can give you the dates of presentations being offered at local colleges as this is required by the state for students to participate and earn college credit.)

2.  Online registration closes on Wednesday, February 10th!  By now I am confident that most of you have been online and submitted your requests, but if you have been procrastinating, PLEASE, get online now and complete your registration!  This is required for all students!

3.  The next few weeks will be busy for me with individual meetings for students to review your course selections and future plans which means that I will have limited availability.  If there is an emergency, (hopefully not), please notify the secretaries in the counseling center and they will find someone that can help you right away.  To give you a heads up, I will not be available at all for walk-in students on the following dates: Thursday, February 4th, Tuesday, February 9th, Thursday, February 11th, Tuesday, February 17th, and Monday, February 22nd.  I did try to space out my registration appointment days so that I would still have time to meet with students who need something on the alternate days.  I appreciate you being patient with me as I meet with every student on my caseload over these next few weeks.

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