Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Assistants

Are your grades where you want them to be?  With just a few weeks remaining until the end of the quarter, there is no better time than to pause and look at where things stand for you academically.  If you are not where you'd like to be, Please make sure that you are working with your teachers in any of the subjects you are struggling with and also remember to take advantage of the opportunity to work with the Academic Assistant's in the Teaching & Learning Center!  

WKHS is incredibly fortunate to have the support of four outstanding academic assistants.  If you have never been into the Teaching and Learning Center for help, it is time to make a visit.  Ms. Elliott is the English academic assistant, Mrs. Troutner focuses on Science, Ms. Stork takes care of Social Studies and Mr. Freisner works with Math.  The Teaching and Learning Center is housed in Room 209.  Students can drop by before school, during lunch, prep or options to get extra help on assignments or for assistance in studying for upcoming tests.  It is a more structured environment so you can be certain that you will be able to find a quiet place to study and get your work done.  When you walk into the Teaching and Learning Center you can sit at any of the tables in the room if you want to work independently, but if you need help in a particular subject you can also just go and sit at the table with the academic assistant responsible for that subject area.  And, as if this wasn't enough, the academic assistant's are also outstanding resources for helping students to get organized, to stay on top of assignments and to assist you in making plans for completing projects in a timely manner.  They are an unbelievable asset to the students at WKHS and you are missing out if you are not taking advantage of their free help!  I consistently see the significant difference in grades for those students who are working with teachers and academic assistants to get caught up vs those who try to manage it on their own.

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