Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Online Registration & Blended Classes

The online registration window is now open.  This means that you can log onto Infinite Campus and select the courses that you plan on taking next school year.  All students must submit their requests online.  The deadline to complete your online registration is Wednesday, February 10th.  

Juniors, remember that you need to complete your online registration prior to our individual meetings – which for many of you will begin February 4th!

One point that tends to confuse some students when registering is that the program refers to the total number of units that you are taking.  Units are equal to quarters.  So, if you are taking a semester long class, it is worth 2 units.  If you are taking a year long class, it is worth 4 units.  You will want to make sure that when you are finished selecting your classes, you have at least 20 (for to be seniors) or 24 (for everyone else) units selected.

Please be sure that you are using the course code to select your classes and double check to make sure that you have selected the classes that you actually intend to take next year.  One particular area to pay attention to is that we have some Blended courses being offered next year.  We have had Digital Art in a blended format previously, but next year students will also have the option of selecting blended courses for AP English Language and Contemporary Voices.  In the blended format, students will meet with the teacher for more traditional instruction, full class discussions, and other learning activities a few days a week and then the other days out of the week students will have the flexibility to take more personal responsibility for their learning by completing online assignments, engaging in digital conversations, and meeting individually or in small groups to push their learning forward.  This is an exciting opportunity for many students, but it will not be right for all kids so please know that the traditional format for these classes will also still be available if that is what you prefer.  Please note that the blended course sections have a different ending to the course code so if you do want to enroll in one of the blended courses next year, be sure to select the proper code/ course.

After you have selected your first choice classes, you will need to submit three alternative classes.  Please be sure that you select courses that you would be willing to take in case your first choice requests will not work.

The entire registration process will save automatically.

You need to make sure you get your teacher recommendations on the recommendation form (they will initial) and to have your parents sign the form.  You will turn these forms in when you meet with me on your designated days.  If you have already lost your form, please stop by the counseling center and ask one of the secretaries to give you a new copy.

If you have lost your directions for how to register for your classes:

Please visit the Worthington Schools website at www.worthington.k12.oh.us and then login to Infinite Campus using your ID and Password.  Click on “Course Registration 15-16 Worthington Kilbourne” from the selection bar on the left side.  You then click on “Course Search” and you can search by the course number.  Once you have identified the class that you want, you can click on the course to read a description of the class at the bottom.  Then, after reviewing the information to make sure this is the class you are interested in taking, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “request this course.”  The course will now appear under “requested courses on the left side of the screen.  Repeat this process for all additional courses you want to select.  If you make a mistake and decide to delete a course from your requests, select the course name under “requested courses” or “alternate courses” and a “drop this request” box will appear which you can then click and it will delete the course from your request list.  After you have completed selecting all of the courses you would like to take as well as your alternate courses, please review the requested courses list and click on “print request summary” to print a copy of your requests.  Have your parent sign that form as well and you will turn this sheet in along with your recommendation form.

Please let me know if you are having any problems.

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