Friday, November 6, 2015

Proud to be a wolf

I am proud to be a wolf!  When I first started working at Worthington Kilbourne High School, I remember walking in and getting chills because I was so excited.  Even now, all these years later, that feeling remains.  I am so blessed to be able to come to work each day in an amazing school with incredible students.

Last Friday night, in spite of the cold, as I stood at the game looking around, all I kept thinking was what a special place and community Worthington Kilbourne is and how lucky I am to be a part of it.  Even more than the outstanding athletics that was on display on the field, it was what I saw everywhere else that touched me most.  My favorite part is always when I spot "my students" -  boosting school spirit from the front row of the stands, cheering on the team, 
playing in the band with enthusiasm,and, of course, on the football field working so hard to achieve their team goals.  It was incredible to witness three of the football players (2 of which happened to be my students) participate in the presentation ceremony of the $1,000 donated to the American Cancer Society as a result of Worthington's cancer fundraising efforts.  The WKHS community has had to face too many cancer battles, but it has also provided the opportunity for students to focus on that which really matters and to step up to support one another in an incredible way.  The level of respect I have for our students continued to swell as I watched our student section's support of the opposing team's band and the excitement with which you joined the Kilbourne team on the field after the game.  I want you to know that I appreciate the fact that I can walk alongside you during your journey through high school and that I am thankful that my job allows me to have you in my life.

Tonight begins football playoffs and I am excited for all of my players who will be competing as well as everyone who will be supporting and encouraging them along the way.  A special acknowledgement to "my seniors" who I was able to grab a quick photo of last week during the senior night ceremony.  Good luck tonight!
 (L to R): Cainan Carlisle, Ryan Clay, Connor Alley, Ben Delay, Trey Flores, and Mike Bell
(L to R): Bailey Andrews, Averi Dauphin and Katie DiMauro

I am so proud to be a wolf!

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