Sunday, November 1, 2015

Plan Ahead - Crazy November

Did you remember to turn your clocks back?  I love having an extra hour of sleep!  (I won't love that it gets dark so early, but for today, I love the bonus hour.)

November tends to be a crazy month in the world of school counselors.  Some students have finished your early action/ early decision college applications and many of you are in the midst of applying and completing the components needed for your December 1st, December 15th or January 1st deadlines.  Add to the college application aspect of my job, the academic pressures for those students who struggled during 1st quarter and the ongoing personal issues that students have throughout the year, but which are often exacerbated heading into the holiday season and it is busy.  The bottom line is it's pretty hectic normally... but this year it is going to be even more crazy for me and I need you to be aware as well.

I will be OUT of the building quite a bit this month for various meetings and opportunities.  I am really excited about some of these chances, but I hate that it means I won't be around in the way that I would prefer.  For example, I was selected to present at the All Ohio Counselor's Conference - a statewide conference for all counselors - this will have me out of the building on Thursday and Friday this week.  The following week I will be gone Thursday and Friday as well for a conference about College Credit Plus.  I will be out for a meeting at central office that will take most of the day on Thursday the 19th and going on the field trip to the Delaware Area Career Center on Friday, the 20th.  And then I am traveling with my family for the trip of a lifetime to NYC so I will be out the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week.

There will be a note on my door each day and if you have an emergency you can always see another counselor, but my hope is that for things like college applications and academic progress, you can try to aim to see me on Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's as those are the days I will be easier to find since I will be in the building.  If you stop by and I am not available, don't forget - if you leave a pass for me I will find you.  And if you just have a question that you want to e-mail to me feel free to do that anytime.  Thanks for understanding and being flexible.

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