Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Making College Visits

Quite a few of my students have talked recently about their plans to visit to a college campus, so I wanted to provide you with some additional information and insights on making college visits. As I mentioned previously, making visits to a college campus allows students to get an idea of whether or not this campus is a school you can imagine yourself on for the next 4 years of your life. It is a great opportunity to think about what you are looking for in a school and how the college campus and the students/ faculty on the campus fit into your plan.

Don't forget to take a picture on every college campus that you step foot on - even if it is a school you are not seriously considering for your future. We would love to see the pictures, plus, every interaction you have with a college shapes your views on what you are looking for in the future.

Try not to let weather sway you too much on your view of a school - remember, it won't always be the perfectly beautiful, sunny day you might experience during one visit nor will it always be the terribly dreary, rainy day you are forced to endure on another campus visit.

Colleges also know that the quality of the tour guide you end up with influences your view of their school and they try to manage that accordingly, but if you end up with a guide that is or isn't ideal, try to make your opinion about the school separate from your opinion of the tour guide.

Here are some additional articles that might be helpful to you if you are preparing for college visits:

Also, a quick reminder to all students interested in participating in the field trip to the Delaware Area Career Center - don't forget, your field trip permission form should be returned to the Counseling Center by THIS Friday, November 6th.

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