Monday, November 30, 2015

Collegiate Athletics

Competing in sports during high school is such a huge part of many student's lives.  The hours of time that you dedicate to practice, the effort you put forth during games, and the friendships you have made through your involvement all combine together to make this one of the more significant areas of these four years.  It can be hard to imagine life without your sport, but the statistics are not great - most high school athletes do not continue on to compete at the collegiate level.  You can always find a different level of involvement, but if you are someone whose goal is to play at the college level, these articles may be helpful for you.

Also, don't forget, just before Thanksgiving I wrote a blog post about NCAA and NAIA eligibility requirements for students who want to play sports in college - your grades MUST be at or above the minimum standards so take care of your academics to help open up the option of athletics for the future.

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