Saturday, October 17, 2015

Homecoming Dance

It has been a week full of fun activities to celebrate Homecoming weekend. The painted windows looked great and I enjoyed seeing the students dressed up in their interesting range of themed outfits each day. Even though the football game Thursday night didn't turn out the way we had hoped, I am still proud to be a wolf.
A special congratulations to "my" students, Ben Delay and Molly Kate Cline, who were crowned Homecoming King and Queen during Thursday's assembly.

Congratulations also to (L to R): Kelly Cline, Josh Blankenship, Hannah Fahmy, Chase Brown,  and Maggie Crozier who were my students that were honored as Homecoming attendants.

I hope you enjoyed your time being dressed up, taking pictures, having dinner, and then at tonight's dance! Have fun and be safe!

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