Monday, September 28, 2015

25 Common Mistakes in Choosing a College

How are you doing with searching for colleges and (for seniors) organizing and finalizing your list of where you are applying?  It can be a challenging process.  As you probably know, I follow a lot of other blogs and read a lot of articles connected to college search and I read this list of 25 common mistakes in choosing a college. I whole-heartedly agree with the list and think it is important for students to consider as they are looking at schools. The list of 25 mistakes came from this article which also provides great explanations for WHY these actions are mistakes.

1. Only look at colleges your best friend is looking at

2. Go to college where your girlfriend (or boyfriend) is going

3. Consider only colleges that mom or dad attended

4. Choose a college because it is the last place mom or dad want you to go

5. Choose a college based on the quality of their athletic teams

6. Go to the college with the best party scene

7. Look only at colleges within 50 miles of where you live

8. Don’t examine who you are and what you want from a college

9. Consider the cost of the college in deciding where to apply

10. Don’t visit a college or a similar type of college before applying

11. Choose a college without investigating campus safety

12. Let the choice just happen instead of taking charge of your future

13. Apply to colleges that you don’t really like because you think it will make your parents proud or impress your friends

14. Choose a college based on whether the student body is attractive

15. Believe that the harder a college is to get into, the better it must be

16. Assume that all colleges are the same

17. Rely on the rankings in news magazines

18. Apply only to prestigious colleges

19. Rely on someone else’s opinion

20. Be too shy to ask questions

21. Rely on a college’s advertising

22. Misjudge your ability to get admitted to a particular college

23. Ignore the resources you have available to help

24. Don’t adequately investigate your college choices

25. Decide that there is only one “right” college

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