Monday, September 22, 2014

Senior College Application Basics

Over the last week I have had quite a few students and some parents contacting me to ask questions to help when filling out various college applications.  So I figured it would be helpful if I covered a few of those basic questions in case you come across them too when you are completing your applications.

- Your graduation date is May 24, 2015

-  Your class has 278 students

-  WKHS offers 16 AP courses, 21 IB classes, and 17 honors classes

-  If your grade point average is a 4.0 or higher you have a rank of 1.  If your gpa is less than a 4.0 then we do not rank and that is what you should write instead ("Does Not Rank").

If you come across any other questions don't hesitate to let me know.  Also, for those of you who took the September ACT - your scores are now available online.

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