Thursday, August 28, 2014

Get Involved

Today I spent some time meeting with some of my new freshmen students.  It was fun hearing about what each student likes about WKHS or misses about middle school.  One of the questions that stumped quite a few of the students that I talked with was what will you be involved with at WKHS?  Being involved in sports, clubs, volunteer outreach, or other areas of interest helps connect students to the school and community.  You have special gifts that only you can share and you can make a positive difference!  WKHS is very fortunate to have a wide range of opportunities available within the school setting for you to get involved.  There are 29 interscholastic sports, over 40 clubs, the school newspaper, video news team, yearbook and a wide variety of performance groups (choirs, bands, orchestra, and plays).  For underclassmen, it makes your transition to high school easier because you get to know older students and you find a place where you can belong.  For upperclassmen, being involved gives you the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and to grow in your areas of interest.  Before the school year started I mentioned the importance of setting goals for the year.  If you aren't involved in any activities connected to the school, perhaps this would be the perfect time to set a goal for yourself to join at least 1 club or sport!  I can't wait to see the impact you will have.

Also, just a reminder that we have a pep rally assembly schedule tomorrow!  The pep rally will be during 3rd period.  Here is the schedule:
1st period- 7:45-8:30
2nd period - 8:35 - 9:20
3rd period attendance- 9:25-9:33
Assembly- 9:33 - 10:10
3rd period class - 10:10 - 10:55
4th period class - 11:00 - 11:45
5th period class- 11:50- 12:35
6th period class - 12:40 - 1:25
7th period class - 1:30 - 2:15
8th period class - 2:20 - 3:05

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