Saturday, June 14, 2014

College Essays

For the soon to be (technically now) seniors, have you started thinking about your college essays?  I realize
that it is early in the summer, but thinking about who you are and what you might talk about in your essay to highlight those aspects of you takes a lot of time.  It is definitely to your advantage to begin brainstorming and thinking about your essays now.

I saw this article which talks about three different books that are currently available for download at great rates.  I have downloaded all three so that I can read them during the summer, but I suspect many of you might also like to take advantage of this opportunity as well.  One of the books is available for free and the other two are just 99 cents each so it is definitely a value.  If you have no idea what you plan on writing about in your essays, I'd definitely suggest downloading these books to help get you started.

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