Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Exams and Summer School

How is studying for exams going? I hope you are feeling prepared. Just as a reminder, you earn credits based on the semester grades. Most classes are graded on a scale that gives 40% to your 3rd quarter grade, 40% to your 4th quarter grade, and 20% to your final exam and that cumulative grade is your semester grade which will appear on your transcript. With exams worth so much, it is often able to help you improve grades significantly.

As a reminder, if you did not pass a class during the 1st semester or if you do not pass any of your classes this semester, it is very important to register for summer school! It is particularly important to consider summer school if you have failed an English or Math class since students must pass 4 full credits in order to graduate. Summer school registration is still being accepted. You were given summer school brochures back in January with the course registration materials, but if you need a new copy you can pick up an extra copy in the counseling center or you can download the materials on the Worthington Website.

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