Thursday, March 6, 2014

We Need Others

We are not meant to live in isolation.  Each of us has our own individual talents and strengths, but no matter what, we need other people.  We need people to encourage us when we are down, to listen when we are lonely, to help us when we struggle, and to celebrate with us when we succeed.  Thankfully, at WKHS we have an incredibly supportive community who jumps at the opportunity to help others.  We have seen that in big ways like how people have rallied together to support Grayson Biglin and Drew George.  But even more consistent is all of the small ways that people help one another on a daily basis.  It is awesome to see and it makes me thankful to work in a place where people care for each other.

Today, I was the beneficiary of a compassionate action.  My mailbox was hit and essentially destroyed in early January.  I bought a new mailbox and attempted to fix it.  Total and complete failure!  As I mentioned, people have their own strengths... fixing things or doing repairs is definitely not one of my strengths and I am always impressed by those who have those capabilities.  Since Mr. Nally's office is right across the hall from mine, he was forced to hear my frustrations about the 4 hours my stepdad and I spent trying to replace my mailbox last weekend and he immediately volunteered to help.  Today, he pulled up in front of my house with a trunk full of tools and before I knew it, I had a mailbox again.  It may not seem like much to you, but it was HUGE to me!  I am so thankful that he would share his time and his talents to help make my day better.  I have come to find that this is the true "Worthington Way."

So, I hope that when you are needing something you will find that there are people around you who are willing to jump in and help.

Since I know that you don't really just want to hear about me and my excitement over having a new mailbox, here are some articles related to personal/ social issues that I think might interest you.  Happy Reading... I'm going to go find something to mail!  :-)

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