Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reminders for Tomorrow

No, sorry, I have no idea if we are going to have school tomorrow.  It is the question on everyone's mind and I hope that a decision is able to be made yet tonight.  Unfortunately, as I have told many of you when we are talking in my office - I am not a mind reader.  So, I am not sure if the cold weather will keep us at home or not.  That is definitely a question that will be answered by people far above my pay grade.  :-)

If we are at school, I wanted to remind you and your parents that we have the PSAT/ PLAN Workshop tomorrow morning at 7:45am.  We have a guest speaker from the Princeton Review who will review information to better help you understand your PSAT scores.  We (counselors) have also prepared information to help you understand your PLAN scores.  Please be sure to bring your score report(s) with you to the workshop!

For the 9th and 12th graders who, most likely, did not take the PSAT or PLAN tests, tomorrow is scheduled to be a Late Start day which means you will not start school until 9:10am.

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend!  If we are in school tomorrow, please dress warm!  And this definitely means you should wear a winter coat... I know that there are a lot of students who skip wearing a coat because they don't want to deal with the inconvenience.  I genuinely hope that you all have a winter coat.  If any of you do not have a coat, I hope you will please let me know.  Although it will not help for tomorrow, we will do what we can to help make sure you have a coat to stay warm on these brutally cold days.

(And, FYI, I have put off posting this blog post for as long as I could waiting to see if we would get word about school being in session.)

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