Saturday, January 25, 2014

Junior Students and Parents

Juniors, are you excited? Finally, a post that is completely about you! :-) Each year as we begin the process for registering for next year's classes, I offer up the opportunity to meet for a 30 minute time block with every junior student and his/ her parents, if the parents are interested in joining us. I have set aside several days for these individual junior meetings - Tuesday, January 28th (7:30am-7:30pm), Monday, February 3rd - a late start day so plan times accordingly- (9:00am - 4:30pm), Thursday, February 6th (3:30pm - 9:00pm) and Friday, February 7th (9:00am - 7:00pm). They will be hectic days with back-to-back meetings, but I love the chance to meet with you and your parents to talk about the classes you have selected for your senior year and what your plans are for life after high school. I sent an e-mail out to your parents early this week, so talk it over with them and pick out a date and time that will work well with your schedule so that we can set up a meeting time.  If I haven't heard back from your family about setting up a meeting, I will assign you a time for us to meet.  Don't forget, please make sure you complete your online registration before our meeting!

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