Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snow Day Joy

Did you enjoy the bonus of having a long weekend because of the gift of a snow day?  I have to admit that
the snow day was a wonderful gift for me too!  As many of you know, I was out sick most of last week and I tried to come back to school on Thursday and, as a result, I lost my voice completely.  Having the snow day and the weekend gave me a chance to rest and recover with the hope that my voice can tolerate being back to school for the whole week.  :-)

Hopefully you were able to spend some time enjoying the snow day, but that you were also able to make use of the extra day off to prepare for exams.  Those students that I had a chance to see last week were definitely beginning to stress out about exams and the pressure of balancing preparing for exams along with all of the expectations in classes to try to learn the new things that you are still covering.  I know that it can be challenging, but stay organized and take it one step at a time so that you will be prepared.  Also, don't forget that the Academic Assistants are available to help you in the Teaching and Learning Center in Room 209.

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