Sunday, December 1, 2013

Articles of Interest

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to catching up with you all over the next few days and hearing about your holiday.

Tonight I wanted to pass along some more articles that I think might appeal to you.  All of these are articles that are more personal or socially related.  How we treat ourselves, what we do to take care of ourselves, how we manage our feelings or stresses, and how we interact with others are all vitally important to our well being.

Often times we can get so wrapped up in our own lives and our own viewpoints that we can forget that others are experiencing difficulties as well.  Remember, we are often comparing our "behind the scenes" with their "highlight reel."  That is never going to be a fair comparison.  So, even though someone else's life may appear to be "easy" or "great" I encourage you to try to remember that nothing is as perfect as it seems.

I hope you enjoy checking out some of these articles.

5 Productivity tools for teens

20 things to do when you feel extremely angry

A field guide to procrastinators

12 Habits of highly ineffective people  (In other words - if you realize that you are doing these things, you should really consider stopping and finding different approaches!)

10 Things to remember when everything seems to be going wrong

10 Practical ways to dealing with difficult people anywhere

7 tips to deal with anger

15 ways to manage your FOMO and avoid social media addiction  This is a tough one for teens in particular... do you know what FOMO means?  Fear Of Missing Out.  It is present at any age and with social media being such a primary form of communication among those your age this is a huge concern for many students if you aren't careful.

6 ways to deal with anxiety

How to raise assertive teens who speak up for themselves and others

3 ways a deep breath can reduce your anxiety

Tips for parenting a child with ADHD

Study: Digital Natives not too worried about online risks

40 ways to let go and feel relieved

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