Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

I don't normally post twice in one day.  I had decided that I have posted too many "fun" posts and needed to provide some more helpful information so initially I wasn't going to post anything regarding Veteran's Day.  Yet, the more I thought about it, the more I decided I needed to post something in honor of America's Veterans.

I have always felt gratitude for the men and women who sacrificed so much for our freedom.  My grandfather was a WWII veteran as were his closest friends.  I also have many former students who have made the decision to serve in our nation's military.  Today, I was lucky enough to catch up with one of those students who is a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army - a definite treat!

Words fail me as I try to express how much I appreciate all of the men and women who generously dedicate their lives to protect the freedom's we enjoy every day.

I saw this video clip online today and loved it (in spite of the fact that it made me cry... a lot).

Thank you Veteran's!

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