Friday, November 8, 2013

Proud to be a Wolf

I am proud to be a wolf!  When I first started working at Worthington Kilbourne High School, I remember walking in and getting chills because I was so excited.  Even now, 8 years later, that feeling remains.  I am so blessed to be able to come to work each day in an amazing school.

It was fun to cheer the football team on to victory in their playoff game against Scioto tonight!  Congratulations to all of the members of the football team on your win.  I'm proud of you and it was fun to watch in spite of the cold.

As I stood at the game looking around, all I kept thinking was what a special place and community Worthington Kilbourne is and how lucky I am to be a part of it.  Even more than the outstanding athletics that was on display on the field, it was what I saw everywhere else that touched me most.  It was incredible to see everyone dressed in orange to support a fellow student as he prepares to battle leukemia.  While I wish he never had to go through this, it was inspiring to see how much everyone came together to show that they care and support Drew.  Additionally, this week, I was only in the building with kids on Monday, so it felt like it had been a LONG time since I had seen all of you and I missed you!  As I looked around I spotted many of my students - playing the bass drum, boosting school spirit from the front row of the stands, cheering on the team, or even a quick hi from some of the football players as they left the field and I was genuinely excited to see you.  I want you to know that I appreciate the fact that I can walk alongside you during your journey through high school and that I am thankful that my job allows me to have you in my life.

I am so proud to be a wolf!

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