Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good luck on the PSAT and PLAN Tests

As you are aware, tomorrow is the PSAT and PLAN testing day. I thought it might help if I gave you a few reminders.

You will need to bring your student id card with you in order to check in. You will also need a number 2 pencil (no mechanical pencils allowed), a calculator, and I would recommend a watch.

If you are taking the PSAT, you will report directly to the gymnasiums when you arrive to school.  If you are taking the PLAN test, you will go to your 1st through 3rd period classes then you will eat your lunch quickly 4th period before checking in at the gymnasium for the test. Check in begins at 10:50am and you will test for the remainder of the day. 

As with any test, don't forget to get a good night sleep, eat breakfast, and dress in layers as the room can seem hot or cold randomly. You will not be allowed to have your cell phone with you at your desk nor can you have your bookbag, so I'd strongly suggest leaving all of your personal items aside from your pencils, calculator, student id and watch in your locker.

Good luck on the tests!

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