Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ready? Set. Go!

I have had a chance to chat with a few seniors in the last couple of days and have realized that many of you are waiting to start working on your college applications until you get adjusted to being back to school. Please (PLEASE!) don't wait! The time to start working on your applications is now. That doesn't mean you have to have the entire application complete, but begin working on your essays, start filling out the "easier" paperwork section that requires name, address, and other basic information because it can become time-consuming, and (if you still haven't done so) put together your list of activities and experiences you have had during high school so that you can add that information to your applications easily.

And, if you still don't know which schools you will be applying to - it is definitely time to start determining your list. Get online and search for the characteristics of a school that you are looking for and, if possible, make arrangements to visit different campuses. (Of course, if you make visits to schools, don't forget to bring me a picture!)

I know that not everyone is procrastinating on working on college applications and some have even also received their acceptances!  :-)

To help all senior students and parents there will be a Senior College Information Night next Tuesday evening, August 27th, at 7:00pm.  Please plan to attend as we will be covering details you will need to know during the application process!

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