Friday, July 19, 2013

College Athletics

Many students who participate in high school sports have an interest in continuing their athletic participation
at the collegiate level.  The reality is that only a small number of student athletes are able to compete at the varsity level in college.  However, most colleges offer a variety of ways that students can meet their athletic goals, which can include club and intramural participation.

Students planning to participate at the varsity level in college, will be looking at NCAA or NAIA colleges.  Athletic scholarships can be offered to students attending NCAA Division I or Division II colleges and NAIA colleges.  NCAA Division III colleges do not offer athletic scholarships for participation.

If you are hoping to be a recruited athlete, it is important to be aware of the restrictions on when athletes can be contacted by coaches as well as when it is acceptable for you to reach out to college coaches.  Additionally, the emphasis on academics is critical and so the NCAA and the NAIA both require student athletes to register to determine their academic/ athletic eligibility.

The website for NCAA Eligibility is:

The website for NAIA Eligibility is:

NAIA Requirements:
  •           Must meet 2 out of 3 requirements in addition to graduating from high school

o   Minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
o   Minimum test score of 18 composite score on the ACT or 860 on the SAT (excluding writing section) – They do not superscore
o   Graduation in the top 50% of your high school class
  •           You must submit test scores directly from the testing agencies.  Their number is 9876.
  •           Students must submit a transcript after graduation.  Only 1 transcript is needed and should be sent after graduation unless you qualify for an “Early Decision.”  To be eligible for an early decision students must have the minimum test scores and have earned at least a 3.0 GPA after junior year or at least a 2.5 GPA after first semester of senior year.  If you will qualify for an early decision, you may send your transcript early and you will receive an eligibility determination before you graduate from high school.
  •           Registration fee: $70

NCAA Requirements:
  •           The NCAA requirements are a bit more complex because there are different requirements depending upon which division a student hopes to play in during college.
  •           Additionally, the requirements for students in the Class of 2014 and 2015 will be different than for those in the Class of 2016 and beyond.  Please look carefully at what your requirements will be depending on your year of graduation and your anticipated division of play.  (Division 3 does not require  eligibility approval for participation.)
  •           ACT scores used to determine eligibility are the sum of the individual scores (English, math, reading and science – not composite) and the SAT is the sum of the critical reading and math sections.  Writing scores are not used.  They do superscore (taking highest scores from each area added together rather than just using the highest from 1 testing date.)
  •           You must submit test scores directly from the testing agencies.  Their number is 9999.
  •           One of the key components to understand with NCAA requirements is that they compute your Core GPA instead of looking at your Kilbourne GPA.  Core GPA is made up of just your core classes – English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Foreign Language classes.  Please double check the list of NCAA approved courses on the NCAA website as not all Kilbourne classes in the core areas are NCAA approved.
  •           Registration fee: $70
  •           They will require that you submit your transcript after your junior year and again after you graduate from high school.
  •           Online classes (such as credit recovery) cannot count for core classes.

For students graduating in 2014 and 2015:
                Division 1:
o   16 core classes
§  4 English
§  3 Math
§  2 Science
§  1 additional credit in either English, Math or Science
§  2 Social Studies
§  4 Additional years of Core Classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Foreign Language)
o   Minimum GPA and minimum test scores based upon sliding scale
§  Lowest GPA is 2.0
Division 2:
o   16 core classes
§  3 English
§  2 Math
§  2 Science
§  3 additional credit in either English, Math or Science
§  2 Social Studies
§  4 Additional years of Core Classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Foreign Language)
o   Minimum GPA is 2.0
o   Minimum test scores is ACT sum score of 68 or SAT sum score of 820.

For students graduating in 2016 and beyond:
                Division 1:
o   16 core classes
§  4 English
§  3 Math
§  2 Science
§  1 additional credit in either English, Math or Science
§  2 Social Studies
§  4 Additional years of Core Classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Foreign Language)
o   10 of the 16 core classes must be completed prior to the start of the senior year and 7 of these 10 must be in English, Math and Science.
o   The 10 classes completed before the start of senior year are locked in for GPA calculation of core GPA.
o   Minimum GPA and minimum test scores based upon sliding scale
§  Lowest GPA is 2.3 to fully qualify
§  Students with a 2.0 GPA may qualify for an academic redshirt

Division 2:
o   16 core classes
§  3 English
§  2 Math
§  2 Science
§  3 additional credit in either English, Math or Science
§  2 Social Studies
§  4 Additional years of Core Classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Foreign Language)
o   Minimum GPA is 2.0
o   Minimum test scores is ACT sum score of 68 or SAT sum score of 820.

Although some of these articles are a bit older, I think the information on them will be valuable to students and parents hoping for college athletic scholarships.

(Be sure to read the articles highlighted on the left side of the above article too!)

If you have questions about college athletic participation, please feel free to see me, your coaches, or Mr. Todd in the athletic office.

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