Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer School

Hooray!  It is finally summer for me too!  :-)  I wanted to make sure you were aware that this summer I will still be updating my blog, but it will be less frequent than the school-year norm of 4-5 posts a week. I am guessing that I will try to post an update at least 1 or 2 times each week.

I will also be checking e-mail at school throughout the summer, but will not have access to my school voicemail so if you need to reach me for any reason this summer, e-mail is definitely the way to go.

Hope you are not bored with the start of summer. Some of you need to think about enrolling in summer school!

Summer School begins next Tuesday at Thomas Worthington High School. If you failed a class or were hoping to get ahead on a course, please be sure that you sign up right away.

If you are contemplating summer school there are a couple of pieces of information I would like you to be aware of:

1.) Sign up soon! The first session of summer school begins on Tuesday, but you should be signed up prior to that point. You register at the Worthington Education Center on Wilson Bridge Rd. Here is a link to the registration brochure.

2.) Summer school will be held at TWHS.

3.) Most classes run from 7:40am – Noon. That means that most days are like a week of school so you cannot miss a day – attendance daily is essential!

4.) The classes are just 3 weeks in length. The first session runs from June 11th to June 28th. The second session runs from July 8th to July 25th.

5.) Most courses cost around $200. (Students on the free and reduced lunch program are allowed to attend for $50.)

6.) The first session of summer school correlates with the 1st session of the school year. So, if you failed a 1st semester of a course, then you would want to attend the 1st session of summer school.

7.) The second session of summer school correlates with the 2nd session of the school year. So, if you failed a 2nd semester of a course, then you would want to attend the 2nd session of summer school.

8.) There are some traditional classroom options with Worthington Summer School and also Worthington Online Summer School Credit Recovery. (Even if choosing the online option you still have to come to summer school daily and complete your work on the computers at the school.)

9.) One advantage of the online option is that students can take a semester class that they failed in a “different” session time. (This is very important to remember if you failed two classes during the same semester!) So, for example, if you failed both US History and BESS during the 2nd semester, then I would recommend that you sign up to take US History via Worthington online credit recovery during the 1st session of summer school and take BESS during the 2nd session of summer school.

10.) Students who failed one or more sections of the OGT may elect to re-take up to two sections of the OGT this summer. You must complete 10 hours of tutoring prior to taking the test though so it is important to log your hours so that you can take the test.  The OGT testing will take place at WKHS during the week of June 17th.  There will be a OGT test-prep boot camp experience to allow you to gain your required 10 hours of tutoring beginning next week at WKHS.  If you failed one or more sections of the OGT, please take advantage of this free opportunity.

People frequently ask if they have to take summer school through Worthington and the answer is no.  You can complete your summer school through any accredited school.  This means that you can use surrounding districts or online programs.  Many students have used TRECA summer school.  If you decide to use a different school for summer school please be sure that you are signing up for summer school (for example, instead of searching "TRECA" search "Summer School TRECA"), make sure that they are accredited, and make sure you bring in a copy of your transcript after you complete the course so that we can add it to your Worthington transcript.

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