Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Senior Recognition Night

Tonight was the Senior Recognition Night - a time when graduating seniors are honored for the contributions and awards received over the last four years of high school.  29 of "my" kids were among those being recognized tonight. I am proud of all of you and was honored to participate in your evening of well-deserved recognition.

With so many of "my" students being recognized tonight there was no way that I could try to get the entire group together for a picture, but I was able to grab these groups of students who happened to be near one another after the ceremony.  Above (L to R): Grace Ellis, Ryan Adolph, Sarah Adams, Naomi Barker, and Austin Bollinger.  Below (L to R): Hannah Vincent, Sean Baumgardner, and Lindsey Bauer.  

Congratulations to all of the seniors honored tonight!

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