Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Decision Time!

Seniors, by now you are hopefully well aware of the fact that today, May 1st, is national college decision day.  The colleges have all united in the fact that they will not require you to make decisions about where you will attend prior to May 1st, but this is one of the deadlines that is firm.  As you are aware, through the college application process each college has their own timeline and often have different application deadlines, financial aid deadlines, and announce their admission decisions at different times, but May 1st is a universal deadline among all colleges requiring students to declare their decision.  Please remember that this not only means that you have informed the college of your choice that you intend to attend their college, but it also typically includes submitting a deposit.

Also, your Post Secondary Information Forms are due back to the counseling center tomorrow.  This is a mandatory form and it provides us with the information we need for Senior Recognition Night and your Commencement Ceremony program.  Believe me, it is critical that the information we highlight for these events is accurate and we cannot do this without your help!  These forms were sent out in the senior packet that was mailed home at the beginning of March, but if you cannot find your copy, we have extras available on the WKHS Counselor website and in the Counseling and Career Center.  Please be sure that you complete both the front and back of the form.

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