Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Letter to "My" Seniors

To “My” Seniors,

Congratulations!  Today was your last day of school and I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished over the last 4 years.  It was my honor to be able to join you on your journey through high school.  You have grown and changed in so many ways and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you. 

For most of you high school has had its share of ups and downs.  I have been so proud as I watched you achieve your goals in the classroom, the athletic fields and creatively through music, theater and art.  I have been encouraged by your strength – the way that you will stand up for what you believe and follow your heart and beliefs.  I have been inspired by your kindness – the way you reach out to encourage, support and care for those around you.  I have been brought to tears alongside you demonstrated courage as you faced difficult days and struggled to find your way through experiences I and many others could barely imagine.  I have been uplifted by your delightful sense of humor – with the stories of daily life that never cease to bring a smile to my face.  I have spent many days shaking my head because your class certainly has an interesting mix of perfectionists and procrastinators.  You excel in areas of interest and passion and you have, unquestionably, left your mark not only at Kilbourne and in the community, but also on my life.

I am grateful for each of you.  You have made me a better person and you provide hope when I think of all you will accomplish in the future.  And so, as you leave high school behind, I hope you will look back on your four years with a sense of accomplishment and pride.  I hope you celebrate your achievements and look forward to the future and the possibility which lies within you.  And I hope that you will always know that you were cared about and have people (like me) who will be here believing in you!

Best wishes for a bright future and please keep in touch!

Congratulations and Good Luck,
Miss Abbott

PS – Tomorrow is graduation rehearsal.  You will need to be at WKHS by 9:00 in the auditorium.  You do NOT need to wear your cap and gown for the practice.  In fact, rehearsal is a relatively boring experience so I would suggest that you bring something quiet to do (read, draw, play on your phone, etc.) while you are waiting.  Ultimately the practice will be worth it though to make sure you have a positive and memorable commencement ceremony on Sunday.

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