Sunday, February 10, 2013

Common Core Changes Coming

Academically there are lots of changes coming to the classes being offered next year.  Many states across the country, including Ohio, will be moving to a common core curriculum.  Basically what this means is that the basic core classes (English, Math, Science and Social Studies) will have a common curriculum.  The classes will be assessed through end-of-course exams similar to semester and final exams except that the assessments will be the same across the state.  I know that to some people, you just wonder, what does this mean to me.  And the reality is that in some ways this is still a work in progress as we are learning more and more about the changes with every passing day.

One of the biggest changes you will notice right away is that many of the core classes will have new names.  Some of the names will be simplified and be more consistent with classes across the country which will help colleges understand what classes you took.  For example, PESS and BESS will now be called Physical Science and Biology.  English 1 will now be called CCSS English 1 which stands for Common Core State Standards English 1.  American Studies will now be called CCSS English 3.

The most drastic changes will be in the area of math.  The math classes will be moving from the Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 sequencing of the past to an integrated math model.  As a result, students will now be taking CCSS Math 1, CCSS Math 2, etc.  The math teachers feel confident that this transition will be beneficial for student’s math development and your understanding of the material being taught.  I suspect that this will take us all a little while to get used to, but we will take it one step at a time and figure it out.  For older students, you will finish out the math sequence that you have already started, but younger students will likely transition to the integrated math model.

As we make this transition to common core, you will hear more and more about the different approaches to some of the classes being taught.  If you want to mark your calendar, on Tuesday, February 19th at 7:30pm will be curriculum night and you and your parents can come to learn more about common core as well as all of the elective classes available for you.

Also, don’t forget, tomorrow night are parent/ teacher conferences and at 7:00pm the counselors will be presenting an informational meeting with a representative from Columbus State Community College regarding PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) – chance to take free college classes next year while still in high school.  You can read more about PSEO from a blog post from a few days ago.

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