Sunday, December 16, 2012

Career Fair Photos

Yesterday marked 1 month since the career fair... which, to be perfectly honest seems both like it was yesterday and like it was a VERY long time ago.  I would like to express my gratitude again for all of the students who volunteered their time to help prepare for the event in the days leading up to the career fair, for those who helped set up the night before and especially to those who woke up bright and early to help with the event in the morning.  Reading the survey responses from all of the career professionals showed how impressed they were with the students as a whole, but in particular how welcoming and kind all of the student volunteers were who helped out during the day.  We couldn't have done it without you!  Additionally, I would like to thank all of the career professionals who participated in the event sharing career information and insight with our students.  Right after the career fair I was happy that it was over.  Now that a little more time has passed I am still happy that it is over, but I also am so proud of our students and thankful that so many students had the opportunity to learn about possible career options for their futures.

And now some long awaited pictures... Enjoy!

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