Sunday, November 18, 2012

We Survived!

Wow, it is hard to believe the career fair is over!  I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot from the professionals who volunteered their time to talk with you.  After I was done problem solving I tried to wander around and I didn't make it through the whole fair so at least for me I felt like the event went by fast. I hope you were able to make it to talk to everyone you were interested in meeting.

I don't know that I could decide what I thought was the coolest part of the professionals that were there...

- I was totally shocked that the Dolphin Researcher (Luke Bogatay's aunt) and one of the construction people flew in from Florida and participated in the career fair.

-  I met a lady who told me that she was there with 2 of her sisters and that the three of them were graduates of Worthington High School (back when it was all 1 school) and that they had driven into town and stayed at a hotel in order to attend.

-  Speaking of giving back to your alma mater, there were 5 recent Kilbourne grads in attendance who had been WKHS students in the time that I have been at Kilbourne.  I know there were more adults who were Kilbourne grads, but these were actually students I knew and so that made it special.  I also think it is cool to think about the fact that when we do this career fair again in the future and you are no longer high school or even college students, that you might volunteer your time to come back and talk to the current students.

-  And, of course, I cannot leave out the parents who graciously gave their time to attend.

Perhaps the lack of updates to my blog gave you a pretty good guess, but I had a pretty quiet and relaxing weekend.  I literally slept more on Thursday night into Friday than I had on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights combined.  :-)  This is the first time I have turned on my computer at home since my last blog post.  With this being a holiday week, we won't be back to a regular update schedule just yet, but I will get at least one or two more updates up this week.

Many of you had plans to spend the long weekend making college visits and I cannot wait to hear what you thought about the campuses you saw (and hopefully see your pictures).  I'm also looking forward to hearing your thoughts and impressions about the career fair and what you learned about yourself and your potential career choices for the future.

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