Monday, October 15, 2012

The Power of Friendship

We are not meant to be islands.  We need to have people in our lives to support and encourage us when we struggle and who will celebrate with us when we succeed.  Friendships are an essential part of our daily lives.  Having a true friend is priceless - knowing that you can trust yourself, your stories and your secrets with someone is a gift.

Lately I have been reminded of the power of friendship - how friends can make sad times a little less sad and happy times feel even more joyful.  Yet what impresses me most is the way that I have watched as friends stepped up and supported one another even if it wasn't easy or convenient.

As you have probably figured out based upon the alphabet break-downs, Grayson Biglin, is one of my students.  In case you hadn't heard, Grayson was diagnosed with cancer last month.  He underwent surgery and is now going through chemotherapy.  His friends have been there in all sorts of ways - sending him e-cards when he is in the hospital, calling or texting him, the Gray-Out, painting the rock, carrying his books to and from classes, and spending time just hanging out and having fun.

As if all of those examples of friendship were not enough, yesterday Grayson had arranged for Coach Souder to buzz his hair to help deal with some of the impact of the chemotherapy.  When he arrived at the Souder's, 6 of Grayson's friends were waiting for him and one by one they each followed Grayson and had their hair buzzed off too.  What a wonderful gesture of unity and support each of these young men did for Grayson.
Above is the picture of the group before they had their hair cut and below is the picture of the group after their hair cut.

I hope none of you have to experience what Grayson is currently going through, but no matter how big or small the battles that you might face in your life, I sincerely hope you will be surrounded by people who will demonstrate their friendship to you in ways that you will always know that you are loved and cared about every day.

If you want to support Grayson, visit his Caringbridge page at  His site name is: GraysonBiglin.  You will have to register to visit the site, but you can leave him encouraging messages in the guestbook and receive e-mails after he posts updates.

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